Jindříchův Hradec
Alternativ tittel: Jindřichův Hradec
Sjanger: Educational film
År: 1947
Lengde: 00:11:00
Beskrivelse: The film offers a look into the history of the castle in Jindřichův Hradec, in the end it shows several shots from the post-war city. It argues that the demise of the aristocracy is followed by "rapprochement in a common work."
Nøkkelord: centrum města / náměstí / ulice / city center / square / street / Jindřichův Hradec / VICTOR-E project
Leverandør: Národní filmový archiv
Rettigheter: In Copyright / NFA/Dillia
Produksjonsselskap: KF Praha
Farge: Black & White
Director: Bohumil Vošahlík
Sound: With sound
Language: cs
Related Names
- Alex de Meester | Actor
- Agnès Marou | Actor
- Jan Lemaire sr | Actor
- Chris Laurentius | Actor
- Anna Langenaken - Kemper | Actor
- Margot Laurentius - Jonas | Actor
- Piet Fuchs | Actor
- David Sluizer | Producer
- Jan Zeldenthuis | Screenplay
- C. Gordijn jr | Screenplay
- Jan Smit | Director of photography
- Piet Vermeulen | Light
- Piet Vermeulen | Editor
- Theo Frenkel sr | Director